Monday, October 9

mind over genes

Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the notion that genes control the character of our lives, the results of the Human Genome Project completely undermine the long held concept of genetic determinism. Once thought to be in the domain of the genes, the control of health and behavior are now dynamically linked to the environment, and more importantly, our perception of the environment.

Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the notion that genes control the character of our lives, the results of the Human Genome Project completely undermine the long held concept of genetic determinism.Dr. Bruce Lipton, noted lecturer and cell biologist, offers exciting new information on the molecular mechanisms by which animals, from single cells to humans, transduce environmental stimuli into physiological and behavioral responses.

The newly identified cellular mechanisms include master switches through which our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs create the conditions of our body and of our place in the world. These amazing advances provide a scientific foundation for the necessity of merging allopathic, complementary and spiritual healing modalities. Evolution of this molecular mechanism provides for human consciousness and contributes to our spiritual nature.

BRUCE H. LIPTON, PH.D., is author of the best selling “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles.” As a scientist and lecturer, Bruce formerly served as an Associate Professor of Anatomy in the School of Medicine at the University of Wisconsin, where he participated in the medical curriculum as a lecturer in Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology. His laboratory research on muscular dystrophy focused on the biochemistry of cloned human stem cells. Subsequently, as a Fellow in Pathology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, his published research on cloned human cells revealed how perception controls behavior and gene activity. Bruce has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a popular keynote speaker and workshop presenter on topics of conscious parenting and the science of complementary medicine. To learn more of Dr. Lipton, visit

There is also a torrent file here for a one hour presentation of this information that I can highly recommend watching.

1 comment:

Martin Zamyatin said...

From a spiritual perspective, our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs don't merely "create the conditions of our body and our place in the world." They create our body and the world itself. Or at least our perception of it, which is essentially the same thing.

The important thing to remember is that our concepts shape our (manifest) reality. But they are not the Ultimate Reality, which is Awareness itself.
Another concept, to be sure. But as close as we are likely to get to the ineffable.

There is great freedom in this! The only true freedom: the awareness of one's true, unbounded nature.

"There is no such thing as a person. There are only restrictions and limitations. The sum total of these defines the person." -Nisargadatta

Or, more delightfully:

Slipping on my shoes,
Boiling water, toasting bread,
Buttering the sky:
That should be enough contact with God in one day to make anyone crazy. - Hafiz